
"a #$%#@ing Date!"
If I'm good at anything, its running a joke into
the ground. But this is the last time I swear! I
promise... okay maybe once more. ha ha. I kid.
Actually I had a lot of fun on this one, its one of my
initiatives to actually draw more in action sequences. And
the super hero RPG they are going to be playing... well there's a lot
of action for me to draw. Good practice if anything.
So I know, why is this late? Well my excuse is actually also
a premonition. Over at the CG forums, K-DAWG has started a
challenge for everyone, do a 5-10 page comic before the end of June.
So I thought... this looks fun. So I been hard at
work coming up with an idea and scripting out a story. So I
got so carried away with this I forgot to actually finish my comic.
Actually I was doing over time on monday at work, when a
friend asked me "hey Phact when are you updating decypher?"
so yeah... sorry about that. So yeah, I'm working
on a mini-comic project in June. And so look for a few missed
updates. the next strip is a color one, which only ads to the
time it takes to finish one. But I'm going to attempt to do
the mini comic and also squeeze out two updates in June... yeah I know
two... but what can I say. This mini-comic thing looks like a
lot of fun. Even if its probably going to kill me, I'm a slow
artist after all.
At anyrate, I'll link the comic in July... if I succeed if not link it
when ever I finish it. Its going to be kinda raw though.
I'm inking but not doing any of the toning or shading like I
do on decypher. if you've ever seen my "thats a Phact" comics
its gonna be like those... only not so sketchy.
At anyrate... we'll be getting back to this full tilt soon.
just nod and smile and dream of the awesomeness of my
mini-comic project. and hopefully I'll be back in the midterm
with the next update.