Keenspace Dropdown Directory V.3.0









Keenspace Dropdown FAQ

Welcome to the meager knowledge base collected from experiances of Keenspace community members, of what we like to call the FAQ.  These questions were collected from the forums, in a hopes that these questions might answer questions that users might have regarding these things.  If your question isn't answered here please hit the this thread and state your question and someone will be happy to field your question.

I. What is a Dropdown?
its a form styled dropdown selection tool, that lists various comics of a specific theme. each comic is linked you select the comic from said form dropdown box and it takes you there.

the idea is so a reader can find other comics like the one they are reading.

II. The Dropdown is working on my site but its not listed on the directory why?
well I've never deleted listing, unless there is no where to link it to. (a thread or homepage). But that hasn't been the case since I started the thing.

However you might have been missed in the translation somewhere. So if you could link me where I can get the info (as a PM on the keenspace message board would be best) I'll be glad to add you--preferably a link to your thread

As to the list (including all the inactive ones that are in the zombie section) I've added every single one I could get my hands on from the two previous sites and the forums.

III. How to make a dropdown?
Check out the "scripts section" for tutorials for setting up the code for a dropdown.

IV. how do I get people to join my dropdown?
  Start a thread on the dropdowns & crossovers section on Keenspace forums. For best results     you'll probably want to include:

A: what your dropdown is about
B: what if any, prequisits your dropdown has
C: the link to your javascript.

I suggest that you look at other dropdown threads to get the right idea.

V. How many dropdowns is to many for a website to list?

for the how many rule it sort of works like this. if you go to the dropdown directory link you'll see it takes a bit of time to load... this is because when a webpage loads it has to seek out each script for each dropdown find it and then address the JS. this causes pages to stall and take a while to load as it has to do a lot of stuff before it gets done. we've had conversations about this before on the forums and the general population say 3 or 4 is the max any site should have.

there are ways of course to fix this. One of the easy ways to make your page load faster and not wait on the js find and assemble is to put all your dropdowns in an iframe.

on a side note, I'm working on something that will work better for the dropdown directory and putting up the dropdowns. one of the things I've been concidering is hosting them all locally of course that would cause me to have to keep them update more.. but its work in progress.

VI. s there a Dropdown Anonymous I could join?

currently there is not one. there use to be one back in the day and the name escapes me at present. I'm kinda of against this... just cause the functionality of dropdowns is so that someone can find comics like the one they are reading. but I'd not stop someone from making one if they wanted to.

VII. Some dropdowns like KeenElven have rotating banners up at the top. Can you give examples and an explanation of the coding for this?

i've had this question before. and it is something I want to do at some point. that is give other options. There's a few scripts I want to explain for people, that are out there.. but being the lazy one I am, I'd rather use the scripts already designed (specially since I'm not the most stellar at Javascript myself.) so part one would be to get the okays... some I'm thinking about tutorialing at some point if its okay is...

-The list structure varient used on kleenspace
-The banner/ list randomizer used on keeneleven
-the banner exchanger used on WEE!

and yes I know this isn't really an answer... but the answer is no, there is no tutorial for all the diffrent dropdown scripts yet. but it is something i want to do. but only if these variant script authors want to have their code accessible and used by other dropdown administrators. In the scripts sections there is a list randomizer available contributed by Pillywiggin, which is a great dropdown template for the larger sized dropdowns.

VIII. now the question is, how MANY is TOO MANY? there are drops which bore me to look at because they have too many members >_<

I never answered this question... I think 25 is a good number, I also believe there could be better ways to organze dropdowns by having 25, comics only on the larger dropdowns or more.. then a link to the website which has all the comics presented. and it'd be up to the maintainer to cycle these comics, dropdown around... I dunno if that would work... but having to many has hurt a lot of dropdowns in the past.... who have gotten to many so they just quit.

so I think a solution to how to maintain dropdowns better is a worthy topic and one that should be discussed, and maybe help keeping dropdowns around longer. as we are in all time low dropdown count right now, and I'd like to see more variety, in terms of broad content, genre, and so forth comics.

stuff like fantasy, video games, real life, etc that are currently not supported... and a lot of this has to do with how long dropdowns take to load if they are to big.

However randomizing scripts can help this.




The Keenspace Dropdown Directory is hosted on Keenspace a free webcomics host, division of Keenspot
Keenspace Dropdown Directory, site design by Phact0rri, I get no money for this so any mental support (or artwork) is appreciated